The player registration fee is $425 for the 2024-25 season (with $100 refunded after annual volunteer commitment is met). Payment is due on the following schedule:
Deposit: $50 at registration
October 1st, 2023: $200
February 1st, 2024: $175
A late fee of $25 will be charged to any payments made past the due dates.
Note that our website host also charges a transaction fee for each payment. If you pay in installments, the fee will be added to each installment. If you pay up front, you will only be charged the transaction fee once.
When determining tuition each season our Board takes into consideration many things including turf rental, uniforms, scholarships, and registration fees. We have many fundraisers throughout the year to help offset these costs. Our biggest fundraiser is our annual Gananda SC indoor tournament which brings in a substantial amount of revenue. It builds amazing connections throughout Rochester as well as our own community by utilizing local vendors. Once all these things are taken into consideration our dues are determined for each season.
For the 2024/2025 season the cost is $425 per player (with $100 refunded after annual volunteer commitment is met). You will find there is no soccer club anywhere in our area that comes near our competitive rate. Once three children in your family are signed up there is a discount available.
Additional Fees
The only additional fees would be if a team entered an outside tournament. While players enjoy the weekend bonding and playing experience, these tournaments are not mandatory although most coaches with enter 2-3 per year depending on interest from the team. If enough players can participate the cost of the tournament with be divided evenly between them.